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Lab Equipments

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syringe filters. membrane filters

syringe filters. membrane f...

We offer a wide variety of membranes and pore sizes, as well as a selection of filter diameters to handle any sample volume. our syringe filte...

Advance Digital Asphalt Penetrometer

Advance Digital Asphalt Pen...

It is suitable to make needle penetration determination for highway asphalt, modified asphalt, ...

350.00 USD
Laminar Fume Hood

Laminar Fume Hood

a laminar fume hood (lfh) is frequently used for handling lab samples that need to be as sterile...

1,000.00 INR
Concrete Anchor Pull out Tester

Concrete Anchor Pull out Te...

Digital display anchor pull out tester test machine is used in all kinds of bolt, steel, expansio...

800.00 USD
Membrane Filters

Membrane Filters

Axiva sichem biotech is one of the best manufacturer of membrane filters and nylon membrane filte...

100.00 USD
Dr Arpit Tiwari

Dr Arpit Tiwari

If you have knee pain. then consult the best knee replacement surgeon in indore , dr arpit tiwari, orthopedic surgeon. he knows the fundamenta...

Nano High Pressure Homogenizer NanoGenizer

Nano High Pressure Homogeni...

Nanogenizer high pressure homogenizer: nanogenizer is a laboratory high pressure processing device. it is an electrically-driven and bench-to...

Dip Coater

Dip Coater

Dip coater suppliers and dealers

120,000.00 INR
Electric wedge lifting platform Motorized Lab Jack

Electric wedge lifting plat...

Specification: product parameters: product parameter pt-gd120 structure description table ...

567.00 USD
Portable Digital Direct Shear Testing Apparatus

Portable Digital Direct She...

The technique enables the engineer to select specimens of rock from exposed faces or bore holes, ...

4,000.00 USD
2000KN Manual Compression Testing Machine

2000KN Manual Compression T...

The pressure testing machine is mainly used to measure the compressive strength of building mater...

1,900.00 USD
Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP)

Dynamic cone penetrometer (...

Standard: astm d 6951-03 this portable hand operated equipment is designed to obtain a direct ...

350.00 USD
Laboratory Hot Air Vacuum Oven

Laboratory Hot Air Vacuum Oven

“tempo” make vacuum oven are designed & manufactured to comply with the requirements of the industry. it is widely applicable for drying & ste...

Liquid Limit Apparatus

Liquid Limit Apparatus

The liquid plastic limit united device adopts optical projection principle, penetration depth is ...

200.00 USD
Laboratory Furnace 1300°C

Laboratory Furnace 1300°C

“tempo” laboratory furnaces are designed for higher temperature applications. the design is based on the highest standards for quality with ef...

Aspirator Bottles

Aspirator Bottles

Plastic labware india is a leading manufacturer of hospital laboratory equipments and instruments such aspirator bottles, chemical bottles, dr...

Showing 1 - 16 out of 91
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