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Aronfeld Trial Lawyers

Aronfeld Trial Lawyers

  • 1 Alhambra Plaza Penthouse, Coral Gables, Florida, United States, 33134
  • *******440
  • ab*********@*********com
  • Established: 1991
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

As experienced advocates at Aronfeld Trial Lawyers, we have dedicated ourselves to championing the rights of passengers worldwide who have suffered injuries while aboard cruise ships. With a wealth of experience spanning two decades, we have effectively represented countless individuals in their pursuit of justice. Our unwavering commitment and relentless pursuit of compensation for each client have yielded remarkable results, solidifying our reputation as leaders in the field. Today, we stand proud, knowing that every client we have represented thus far has been duly awarded compensation for their cruise ship injury. Through our unparalleled dedication and legal prowess, we have been instrumental in securing favorable outcomes for our clients, helping them navigate the complex legal landscape that surrounds cruise ship accidents. At Aronfeld Trial Lawyers, we understand the devastating impact that cruise ship accidents can have on individuals and their families. That is why our team of highly skilled cruise ship accident attorneys is fully equipped to handle even the most intricate cases. We possess a deep understanding of maritime law and the unique challenges that arise in these situations, enabling us to provide comprehensive and personalized legal representation.


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