LIC AGENT BANGALORE Shivakumar A for best LIC Life Insurance plans and LIC Tax Saving plans. We have been serving our clients for more than a decade and are happy to have you with us.
Life Insurance Corporation of India ( LIC ) is fully owned by Government of India and the largest Life Insurance Company in India. LIC gives peaceful life, every day we wake up to the fact that more than 320 million human lives are part of our family called LIC of India.
We are officially authorised & exclusive IRDA certified Agent appointed by LIC in Bangalore. We are in Insurance field since 11 years and with more than 1200 individual clients in India and other parts of the World.
As a Member Million Dollar Round Table for Financial Professional in the World and Member of Corporate Club for LIC Agent, I am known for our professional & value based Insurance services to our esteemed clients not only in Bangalore, but across India & Globally (NRI clients).
We being the full time insurance agent, we provide continuously ONLINE & OFFLINE support to our clients at their convenience.