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VLCC School Of Beauty, Ranjit Avenue - Amritsar

VLCC School Of Beauty, Ranjit Avenue - Amritsar

Education & Training / Diploma Course Providers
  • SCO 28, Second Floor, Taneja Towers, District Shopping Complex, opposite Ajit Hospital, B - Block, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar, Punjab, India, 143001
  • *******746
  • fe******@*************com
  • Established: 2013
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

VLCC School of Beauty is envisioned to be a premier institution for developing the art and science of beauty. Presently it is a formidable institution of great reputation in the field of beauty and wellness, providing a plethora of professionally inclined programs and courses primarily meant to train people in the required skills and knowledge for the beauty industry. The school has world-class facilities, the most experienced faculty, and curricula relevant to the industry. To explain further, whether you want to be a professional beauty therapist, a makeup artist, or a skincare therapy expert, VLCC School of Beauty is the bridge to a great career.

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