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Services Recruitment Agencies & Consultancies

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  • Contract Employment & Staffing
  • HR Advisory & Consulting
  • HR Recruitment & Planning
  • Placement Agencies
  • Soft Skills Corporate Training

Recruitment Agencies & Consultancies

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Video Profile Services

Video Profile Services

Students upload their video profiles where they talk about their skillsets, and areas of interest. these 20-second video clips are uploaded us...

Alisa B

Alisa B

Get more callbacks from recruiters, with a smart enhanced version of your resume! attract their attention with a visual resume from hullo jobs...

Private Investigation, Corporate Investigation

Private Investigation, Corp...

Amx detectives (p) ltd. is an indisputable and magnificent detective agency in delhi, india which has been established by baldev kumar who is ...



Tecbridge provide technology staffing services and solutions through it staffing. it consultants are identified and deployed for the right job...

Employment Solutions

Employment Solutions

Yoma ensures total cost-effectiveness. our employment solutions include temporary staffing, facility management, platform and advisory solutio...

job placement services in Delhi NCR

Job Placement Services In D...

We are providing job placement services in delhi ncr for junior and middle-level openings. interested candidates who are searching for job vac...

Freelancers in India by Nearby Freelancers

Freelancers In India By Nea...

Discover top freelancers in india with nearby freelancers. hire experts for quality services and ...

1.00 INR
Virtual Assistant London

Virtual Assistant London is a professional virtual employment outsourcing company based in glasgow, uk. we sp...

600.00 USD
Staffing Solutions

Staffing Solutions

Are you struggling in finding the right people for your organization? well, you are not alone! fi...

10,000.00 INR


Jobd' is a unique portal that automates recruitment intelligent profile matching, interview coordination, engagement and many additional featu...

Hr Consulting Firms - Mindcrest Staffing

Hr Consulting Firms - Mindc...

We are here to help you with the right candidates and the right job for the right candidate. we at mindcrest staffing believe in building long...

HR Consultancy

Hr Consultancy

As a recruitment firm, our foremost service is to provide hr services to our clients. being one of the famous placement consultants in faridab...



The chef is the person who is proficient in all aspects of food arrangement and sometimes even focuses on any particular cuisine.

Mindpool Technologies

Mindpool Technologies

Mindpool technologies is one of the leading it staffing and recruiting services provider delivering technology experts & capabilities to its c...

JSL International

Jsl International

Jsl international provides complete manpower and placement services, compliance management services, and manpower resourcing in 12 different c...

Labour Recruitment Services

Labour Recruitment Services

Ajeets provides permanent placements; temporary staffing and labour hire services across a variety of industries including: retail, education,...

Showing 17 - 32 out of 107
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