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Estate Planning Attorney

Estate Planning Attorney

Financial & Legal Services - Legal Advisors & Consultants

Service Description

What Is An Estate?
Your estate includes all your assets, both financial and non-financial, from houses to smaller personal items. It’s everything you own—everything you’ve worked so hard to accumulate in your lifetime. Distributing an estate after you die can be straightforward. However, the quick, complete, and hassle-free distribution of your estate hinges on the quality of your estate plan.

What’s In An Estate Plan?
Contrary to popular belief, estate planning is not about documents! It is about working with a skilled and empathetic attorney who delves deeply into your family and asset situation, uncovering any relevant family dynamics along the way. That attorney should then guide you through the process of creating a plan that will leave a legacy in the way that is right for your family. Every family is different; there is no one size fits all plan.

With that being said, documents are of course important and are the byproduct of the planning that we do. While the exact documents that comprise your estate plan will be unique to your financial situation, priorities and family dynamics, they may include a:

Last Will and Testament
Revocable Living Trust
Certificate of Trust
Assignment of Personal Property to Trust
Financial Power of Attorney
Advance Health Care Directive
Living Will
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Release

Get Help From A Skilled San Diego Estate Planning Attorney
You’ve worked a lifetime to build your estate. Careful estate planning is the best way to guarantee it goes to your loved ones as intended. At Weiner Law, we create wills and trusts that protect estates in San Diego and elsewhere in California financially and legally. You can trust us to help you craft an estate plan that will ensure your wishes are carried out.

Weiner Law
12707 High Bluff Drive Ste. 125
San Diego CA, 92130
(858) 333-8844

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