Being the leading car parking shed manufacturer in Pune, for the last 8 years, we at Iris Enterprises always come up with the most durable and affordable car parking shed in Pune.
Let's see which type of costs you can save by installing a car parking tensile structure in Pune?
Parking Charges/ Penalty- Yes, a car parking shed of your own can save you thousands of rupees.
No hidden charges- Being a one-stop solution, we produce, supply, and install a car parking shed thereby saving you from middleman costs
Easy to clean- Being made of high-quality polyethylene, a splash of water can clean our tensile car parking shed.
Wide Customization- We provide you with wide customization in color, shape, size, fabric, design, material, branding, etc. this is how you get the car parking shed of your dreams.
You can claim all these benefits with just a one-time car parking shed installation.
Get in touch with us today for a customized solution.