The Best in class bag makerwith path breaking price to performance Index. It has flexible options to select sealers for different films and various attachments to make wide range of value added bags.
• Three Edge Seal Capability
• Options of Unwinders
- Air Shafts
- Motorized Film Roll Loading
- Electrical Edge Position Control (EPC)
- Servo / Pneumatic Tension Controller
- Safety Chucks
- Film Roll Exhaust Sensor
• Folders
- “A” Frame (“V” Folder)
- “C” Folding Mechanism
• Attachments in Continuous Path
- Bottom Gusseters
- Lip / Flap Formation
- Perforators
- Tape Inserters and Applicators
- Sheet Inserters
- Lip / Header Sealer
- Ultrasonic Sealers
• Seal heads for Different Films
• Attachments in Intermittant Path
- Wide Variety of Punches
- Pre-sealers / Re-inforcement Sealer
- “K” Seal (Miter Gusset)
- Multi Purpose Sealing Modules
- “V” Cut Attachment (Cold Cut)