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Product Description

Family planning is the process of planning and deciding the number of children a couple wants to have and when they want to have them. It involves the use of various methods such as contraception, natural family planning, and fertility treatments. The benefits of family planning are numerous, including the ability to space out pregnancies, prevent unintended pregnancies, and promote maternal and child health. It also allows couples to better plan their lives and finances, and to achieve their desired family size. Family planning methods vary in effectiveness, ease of use, and cost, and it's important to choose a method that best suits the needs and preferences of each individual or couple. Access to family planning services is crucial for promoting reproductive health and rights, and it plays a critical role in the overall health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Dr. Darshana Sonawane, a gynecologist in Nigdi provides Family planning advice and consultation.

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