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LUMINOUS ZELIO 1700 + RC18000 150 AH - 36* MONTHS

Electronics & Electrical - Chargers & Battries

Product Description

Luminous Zelio 1700 is India’s most intelligent sine wave home ups with features such as Power back up time display in Hours & Minutes, Hassle Free water level maintenance, MCB protection. The Combo comes with 2 batteries of 150 Ah and it will run all your home appliances such as Lighting load, Refrigerator, Grinder juicer Mixer, Desktops etc. for 6-8 hours. The UPS is Capable of handling a power load of 1200 watts. The minimum changeover time ensures connected appliance such as Computers, Desktops, Wi-FI router, Television does not re-start when there is power outages.

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