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    Sasti Lodge

    Sasti Lodge

    Hotel & Restaurants Equipments - Hotel Bed
    • 190,Pattali Street, Idumpan Kovil Ittery Road,, Palani, dindigul, Tamil Nadu 624601
    • *******674
    • 1000.00 INR 980.00 INR
    • Deal Valid Till: Expired
    • Supplier Name: Sasti Lodge

    Deal Description

    Palani Bus Stand Near Hotel - Rooms in Palani -Palani Temple Near Lodge
    have been recommended worldwide for delivering great value Services despite the star category thus , finding a decent lodge within your budget is not a tricky type at all in This Developed city , Affordabillity And Comfort Makes the hotels in palani to be the best . unlike hotel in other places , those in palani have exquisite settlements with lofty infrastructure. the main aim of these hotel is to provide a decent dining and hotel options at cheaper prices

    Terms and Conditions

    hotel in palani - Temple Near hotel palani
    you couid even find rooms in palani that provide customizableservices for their coustomers on demand . hotel located

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